Thursday, August 16, 2007


I have decided I need a new computer (Mainly because the piece of junk laptop I have is falling apart). Dell is out of the question because I cannot understand their customer service people (He may say is name is Ronny from North Dakota, but I am pretty sure he is Rani from New Delhi). I decided I would try to find a laptop not made in China as I did not want my laptop to give me lead poisoning or explode. No such luck. They are all now made in China. This means I will be forced to buy a piece of crap laptop that will not work and will probably kill me.

This whole Made in China thing has gotten out of hand. Companies have moved there and completely washed their hands of quality control while them pay their workers just enough money to not qualify as slave labor (most times - sometimes it is slave labor). Their profits go to executives and stockholders and their products kill Americans, but it is not their fault. Oh, no, choosing to manufacture your products in a 3rd world country with no government oversight should magically result in safe products. Crazy companies.

Anyway, here is my message to companies: I will pay more money for stuff made in America that will not kill me and will actually work. Just a heads up. In case you wanted to make responsible decisions in the future.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

China AGAIN!!

Seriously, China is becoming a country of loons. The Chinese government has passed a law that essentially means that the Dalai Lama cannot reincarnate without the Chinese government's permission. I did not know a government could regulate someone's soul after they died.

The Chinese government is trying though, with the person chosen by the tibetan monks as the reincarnated Panchen Lama disappearing. I recommend we stop trading with China. This is ridiculous.

Stuff from China is killing people and they are killing people because their "soul" didn't seek permission from the government to reincarnate.

Seriously, we are missing the actual threats. The countries we should worry about are China, Russia (claiming the north pole??), and Venezuala. Well, and the terrorists, but they really are less a country and more a whole bunch of crazies.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Ignoring the Vote!!!

So we are a country founded on the idea of voting. Every decision in our country boils down to a vote somewhere.

The House Democrats has decided to ignore this principal. They have erased from the record a vote they disagreed with. ERASED FROM THE RECORD!! This is very wrong folks, very wrong.

This is very worrisome. Quite honestly, it is a great threat to the workings of our government. I cannot thing of anything more worrisome than a majority party of congress removing from the record a vote they did not like.

This is something that must get out to the American people. It represents a fundamental breakdown in the representative democratic process. This is more of a threat than any impositions on the civil liberties of the citizens of this country. This is a party choosing to ignore the rules that govern them.

Now there is some dispute as to the final outcome of the vote and more investigation is needed to determine the full extent of what happened, but as of right now it looks like the Democrats in the House have decided to simply ignore a vote they did not like. Now, hopefully, once the smoke has cleared it will not be as horrible as it seems right now, but if it is, every democrat in the house involved in erasing the vote should be voted out (I do not care if you replace them with another democrat or a republican, they just need to leave).

some sites to look at on this issue:

Thursday, August 2, 2007

what doesn't bother me

So, this post is not about something that bothers me, but something I think is great.

In response to Russia's "claiming of the North Pole" (what is wrong with Russia? this a blog for another time), Canada's foreign minister Peter McKay said:"Look, this isn't the 15th century. You can't go around the world and plant flags and say, 'We're claiming this territory.'"

This is great and hilarious!! What will be Russia's response?