Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Saudi Arabia

My new bad country is....Saudi Arabia.

Well, beyond the obvious problems of their extreme supression of women and usual human rights abuses, they have just gone too far this time. If I was a protesting hippy, I would so be on a plane right now to protest. No, scratch that, as a female, I would protest at their US embassy. I'm not stupid, I'm not putting myself in the hands of the the Saudi Arabian justice system. They may give me 200 lashes for saying men shouldn't rape women. Apparently this is still a controversial issue over there.

I'll give the basic fact pattern: Saudi Arabian woman is gang raped and brings charges. Wonders of wonders rapists are actually sentenced. Oh, justice finally served, right? But wait, they sentence the rape victim to 6 months in prison and 200 lashes. You did not read that wrong the RAPE VICTIM was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 200 lashes. Oh, also, her lawyer has gotten in trouble and lost his license because he appealed her first case where she was sentenced to 90 lashes. Thay apparently decided to more than double her punishment for being a RAPE VICTIM.

to see article, go here:

now many things in this world frustrate me, China products killing everyone, extremists killing people, the general allowance by society to allow the supression and abuse of women. The refusal of advanced society to tell middle eastern men (not all, just apparently the ones from saudi arabia and others like them) to grow up, get some balls, and control themselves. Exactly why are women unable to be in front of you in public? Are you so unadvanced you cannot control yourself? If you are, we maybe should put the whole lot of you in a zoo, because you aren't human yet.

But this takes the cake. How can anyone allow a rape victim to get lashed 200 times because apparently she put herself in the position to be raped. Under this theory, if say, the judge who sentenced her is walking across the street and i hit him with my car because i ran a red light, he should also be punished for putting himself in the street where he could get hit. Let's try his theory of justice. Someone hit him as he walks across the street and say he should be punished for putting himself there.