Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why am I forced to discuss China almost every day?

Politicians you have to make some comment on China. They are going to hold the olympics and they are arresting dissidents so they look good while they do it.

First, sorry olympians, but I am boycotting the Olympics.

Second, sorry companies that make clothes in China, but I am boycotting you too.

Third, sorry politicians that don't address the problem of China, I am boycotting you too.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mortgage Crisis

We all know of the mortgage crisis going on. Honestly, I feel it is caused by a whole bunch of people being stupid on all sides. Really, first, know what you are signing and second, don't give loans to people who obviously cannot afford them. Oh, look. Problem solved.

Anyway, now that the problem exists, any responsible politician should say this:
1. Freeze, and in some instances reduce the interest rate on this shady mortgages, even if the homeowner is already in default.
2. If the person owes money to the bank, and cannot pay because of the drastic increase in the interest rate recalculate the amount owed using the lower initial interest rate that the homeowner signed up for.
3. Banks should fire all those individuals that encourages the perpetuation of these types of loans.
4. Banks should require down payments on all home loans to ensure the economic viability of the homeownes.
5. Banks should be encouraged to waive percentages of money owed if homeowners demonstrate the ability to pay future mortage payments if the debt is restructured.
6. For those homeowners that show drastic need because of these shady loans, property taxes will be waived for this tax season.
7. Any use of these types of loans by banks in the future will result in extensive penalties.

OK, look we're making a huge difference to solve the problem and the problem won't happen again. That was so hard. You politicians are stupid sometimes (or most of the time).
Where is the candidate speaking to this important issue?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Too Funny Not to Mention

Some hackers have declared war on scientology. This is awesome. I hope they win.

see link for details (this link includes the hilarious comments):

my only question, where do I sign up to assist in the war effort?

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Environment

Here is my take on the current Environmental Topics that people are discussing.

Global Warming
"Global warming may be a long term problem, but there are more pressingg environmental concerns, such as the depletion of the rain forest, the mercury levels in our water, the chemical and other pollutant levels in our water, air, and soil, and the unknown effects such pollutants have on the environment (including humans and animals). An international effort must be made to reduce the output of pollution. While preventing the adverse impact on the environment may be important, such avenues must be realistically analyzed in regards to the negative economic impact that might result. After all, global warming is unlikely to kill us all, some studies show it could have a positive impact in some areas and the negative consequences are quite a few years off, while economic crashes worldwide could starve us all to death." They should then go on to for instance the pollution put out by China every year. I have a blog on this from a while back. They should then follow up with the need for better government regulation and investment that invests in the development of hybrid cars and cleaner emissions from vehicles. Then in to how SUVs could be more fuel efficient (the technology exists), but that lobbyists prevent such legislation. Companies that dump pollutants should be heavily penalized. Products from foreign companies that use high pollutant producing processes for production should be heavily tariffed to discourage such processes abroad and encourage homegrown environmentally friendly production procedures (Now before you start screaming free market, when government regulation prevents any type of equivalant playing field, arguing free market as the reason why foreign production processes that are harmful to everyone shouldn't be penalized when American companies cannot use such cheap processes and so cannot realistically compete, is kind of dumb. We've long since destroyed the concept of free market when we implement legislation to protect workers while other countries just let their workers die for the sake of a cheap product).

Drilling in Alaska
OK, I understand, oil is in short supply and prices are high. There is oil in Alaska. So logical answer - let us drill in Alaska. But let's probe a little deeper. We already drill in Alaska and much of the oil is exported to places like China. Why would I want the government to allow another company to come drill in Alaska when there is no guarantee that the oil will even find its way into America's gas tanks? Maybe sneaky regulation that highly taxes the exportation of oil to foreign countries from the United States would be called for, though this would anger OPEC, so probably not. Maybe the US gov't could offer tax breaks to any American owned oil company that buys the Alaskan oil fields and then sells say 75% of it to American refineries to be sold to Americans. Anyway, until the government figures out how to keep oil from Alaska in the United States, it probably shouldn't allow any other drilling to go on there. Not to mention that whole risk to animal thing that's involved, when really the drilling will have little to no impact on the cost of gasoline.
to read about the potential environmental impact of drilling:

Hmmm...what other environmental concerns? Maybe encouraging recycling throughout the United States, etc.
Or perhaps a line of reasoning connecting back to the rise in the general unhealthiness of US citizens and other health concerns that must be addressed and are just as important as global warming. We are, after all, part of the environment.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So I know I said I would just discuss the upcoming elections, but I couldn't help myself. I was sent some great links regarding the evils of scientology (anyone really surprised?) and I Just had to highlight some of the scientology ridiculousness.
Also, to scientologists: I dare you to sue me.
So first some links:
About the death of Lisa McPherson and others essentially at the hands of the scientologists at the Fort Harrison Hotel owned by the Church of Scientology
all about the evils of scientology:
the crazy letters of L Ron Hubbard (which say democracy is bad)
second: scientology is a massive abusive cult that allows rape and abuse of children by those in charge as those at the top are not required to follow ethical standards by the teachings of the church.
Enough said. It is a cult and it is bad.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Politicians Note

One of the most pressing problems facing our nation is our economy, yet the politicians ignore this topic all together. If we don't fix our economy, never mind universal healthcare proposals, we won't be able to afford what we are paying out now. A very good article on what the politicians should be concentrating on is located here:

Read it, memorize it, and ask your elected and soon to be elected officials why the economy isn't there #1 priority? Ms. Clinton, remember the slogan "It's the Economy, Stupid?" Well, that's more true than ever. Maybe you might want to do something about it.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The War on Terror (and a little bit on Iraq)

First, everyone should read While Europe Slept by Bruce Bawer (

This is a very good book about the problems developing in Europe regarding their extremist Muslim population (Mainly Europe ignoring there is a problem, calling anyone who says there is a problem a facist (and sometimes fining people for speaking up about problems - no lie), and essentially apologizing to extremists and taking the blame for the fact that extemists are beating up homosexuals, beating up jews, beating up everyday citizens, beating their own wives). The book makes you really think about the tenants of American society that amazingly aren't truly part of Europe (though we usually think are), like freedom of speech, an independant press full of varying ideas from all ends of the spectrum, the importance of personal liberty, etc. Right now Europe is the embodiment of that famous authorless quote of "All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to remain silent" warns against (this quote is actually not by edward burke though it is often attributed to him).

Anyways, down to the point of this blog. I do not care if a presidential hopeful opposed the Iraq war. It is a little late for that, don't you think? What I want is a president that has a plan to fix it. I don't want a pull out date - that is just stupid. We can't leave and let Iraq fall apart, that will only lead to more terrorists attacking us.

Next point of the blog. How do we address terrorism? We may have not been attacked recently here in the US, but it is still a threat. So what do they suggest we do? I don't want an apologistic approach. Quite honestly, it is not the US's fault we were attacked. It is not our fault there is poverty in the middle east (the rulers over there seem to have tons of money - All they need to do is share a little wealth and problems solved). We cannot blame ourselves because terrorists find our way of life offensive. As a female, I find their way of life offensive. The supression of women is wrong. Female genital mutilation is wrong. Beating one's wife is wrong. Raping one's wife is wrong. As an American, I find their supression of freedom of speech and freedom of thought offensive. However, I am not killing them, now am I? So I don't want someone who apologizes or tries to make America accept some of the blame. End of story. I do believe some things are worth dieing for and the defense of my liberty is one of them. I also believe that sometimes diplomacy just doesn't work. When the opposing party is irrational, rational thought will achieve nothing. Diplomacy, then, becomes a vehicle of appeasement, where the rational party gives something up to get the irrational party to do what they should have done in the first place. I don't believe in appeasement. It's, after all, what led to the wholesale slaughter of jews throughout Europe in WWII. It is what is currently allowing extremist muslims to gain a foothold in Europe and perpetuate an abusive culture while within the borders of supposedly freedom loving, rights protecting Europe.

Did you know 4 out of 5 women in abuse shelters in Europe are muslim women? Did you know that forced marriages where the woman are highly likely to be raped and abused (some stats say as high as 90% of women in forced marriages are raped by their husbands) frequently occur in Europe amongst its muslim community (I like to think it is only the fundamentalist segment, but this does not seem to be the case)? Do you know that anti-semitism is on the rise in Europe? Did you know that more and more gay men and women are being attacked in European streets? Do you know that in Europe, individuals are being fined for speaking out against the fundamentalist muslims? Do you that after the 7/7 attacks in Britain, one if its newspapers went into its archives and retroactively changed any references to "terrorists" to references of bombers?

I do want someone who says the values of America are important. These similar values are weakening in Europe and we need to protect against any weakening of these values. The presidential hopefuls need to come up with a strategy to ensure the maintenance of the tenants of a truly free government and ensure that Europe doesn't lose these tenants either. (We either rescue Europe now before it is too late or late with a lot of blood shed - they haven't seemed to learn any lessons from WWII and still think appeasement is a good idea).

I do not want a president that looks up to Europe. I want a president that tells Europe to shape up. And I want a president that protects us from taking the same path.

Friday, January 11, 2008

What I want in a president

So as politicians battle it out to be the nations next president, I began to think about what my ideal president would be and what all the current presidential hopefuls lack. I have decided to center my blog on what the politicians should be doing from my perspective. Feel free to disagree. That is the point of democracy, after all.

Today's blog will be about what they lack.

None of the current hopefuls have advanced any plan to help the nation's ailing economy. Let's face it, the US is in trouble. Our dollar is weak. We are in the midst of a mortgage crisis. We have a huge trade deficit with China. And the current motto is we are becoming a service industry country.

The dollar must be strengthened. I am not an economist or a financial advisor, but I do know the importance of a strong dollar in America. What do the politicians plan to do about it?

The mortgage crisis needs to never happen again. The mortgage industry needs to be more heavily regulated in many areas. Adjustable arm mortgages just need to go. There is no reason for their existence and they just taken advantage of the poor.

Trade deficit with China. Now I am of the belief that the huge trade deficit with China is one of the things that weakening our dollar. This is just a theory, I have done no mathematical calculations to prove it, but it makes sense. The Chinese dollar is artificially devalued. We have a huge trade deficit with China (hint, try to avoid stuff made in china -supply and demand does work. if we don't buy it, they'll eventually stop making it). This imbalance affects our dollar and I am of the belief that this relationship is helping to devalue our dollar.

Seriously, Mexico take up the model China used to get its manufacturing edge. Then you citizens woudl be employed and they can stop fleeing to the US. We don't want your poor and your criminals. Please keep them.

Realistically, shaping an economy around the service industry is just a bad idea. Such an economy is just too tied to the whims of the country and a failure is one sector affects all sectors drastically. There needs to exist a manufacturing sector, a sector that provides jobs to lower skilled workers and offers a home base for the manufacturing that may be necessary for military reason. Also, we need to something to export to offset our trade deficits. The US produces a better grade steel, but we are reducing our production because other coutries are producing a lower grade, but cheaper steel. Personally, however, I want the bridge I drive across to be made of higher grade steel, even if it costs a little more. This may be an area that a litte regulation could go a long way. Just saying.

We need to be encouraging in city schools to be teaching their students trades. These students are likely no going to college and we as a nation seem to have abandoned those children that are not going to college and that is just wrong (not to mention likely leads to a greater need for welfare and welfare related programs). We need to create workers that can do jobs better than the rest of the world to encourage the production of goods within our own nation. Now, I am in general against a universal healthcare system (I worked hard to get where I am so I don't have to wait a week to see a doctor - but that will be a blog for another day), but the government may want to consider offering baseline healthcare for workers of new manufacturing jobs on a temporary basis to take away some of the initial overhead costs of starting a company. Not permanent, mind you, but until the company gets off the ground and can afford the cost.

We, as citizens, need to reward those companies that produce goods in the US by buying their products. Again, good old supply and demand. To make this work, however, this requires government regulation. All goods (including food) need to be labeled according to where they were made and where their parts come from. I especially wish for this in food and it currently does not contain labeling as where it is made. Personally, I think where food is made is more important in terms of my health than were my shirt is made. Think all that killer pet food, the killer toothpaste, the killer cold medicine (all out of China by the way).

Well, that is my bit on the economy. I am sure there is a lot more that can be done. But how would I know, as the politicians seem to feel they should just ignore the issue?