Monday, February 4, 2008

What's my favorite topic?

So it's Crazy how everything comes back China. I just cannot escape this country and the need for any future elected official to have a plan to deal with Chinese products. Today's story is poisonous flipflops sold at Walmart from China. They are apparently causing what look like chemical burns on people's feet!! If I was the US gov't I would require testing on all products coming from China. If you know there is an increased likelihood of harm if a product has certain characteristics (in this instance, created in China), it is the obligation of the government to take steps to decrease the probability of consumers suffering from this harm. Isn't this why we have the FDA or the US Product Safety Commission? Maybe some departments should do their job?

Or we could all just stop buying stuff made in China.

Website on it:

I would so class action Walmart at this point - my theory: 70% of their products come from China. Walmart is fully aware of the multiple incidences of defective and harmful products from China. They have instituted no new testing procedures to protect consumers from the increased probability of harm that consumer face buying products at a store where 70% of the products are from China. Walmart has therefore assumed the risk by creating the situation which increased the potential for harm for its customers. Alright, not the best, but if you make through summary judgment, the jury will understand.

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