Monday, September 29, 2008

Articles to Read

No one seems to understand the credit crisis and how we got here. I like to say we got here because of misregulation. It is not the fault of deregulation because Fannie and Freddie and their exceedingly large part of this crisis and the push for expanding loans for lower-income people are all regulatory measures, the opposite of deregulation. The problem was that with these regulations other regulation was needed to control Fannie and Freddie and no matter ho hard McCain tried for it, Barney Frank and his allies blocked it. Here is some links - learn for yourself:

McCain in the congressional record discussing the need to regulate Fannie and Freddie in 2006

The Dem's First response? That they should all just leave

Congress tries to fix what it broke:

What the Democrats did to get us here:

Why Frank (Democratic chair of the House Finance Committee) is to blame:

Whe the problem is not deregulation:,0,4840444.story

And why Obama's tax "cut" is really just wealth redistribution (i.e., communism) and, of course, includes policies that will decrease government revenue:

Oh, and the new york times likes to lie about John McCain (no wonder the left is clueless):
Oh, and that Obama hides his past (not related, but still I am a republican):

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