Saturday, February 7, 2009

A letter to the president

Dear President Obama,

You sure can speak well. You just talk and talk about hope and change and FEAR. You tell us that if we don’t get that stimulus passed, we’ll lose more jobs and slide into a catastrophe. If we pass this stimulus bill, we’ll get more jobs. However, Mr. Obama, this is no longer the campaign trail and rhetoric is no longer the full scope of your job. Your job is now about results. So, Mr. President, I would like to ask you a question. How? How is this stimulus bill supposed to create jobs?

The CBO (staffed with primarily democrats, mind you) says the bill result in a long-term net loss to the American economy. Sounds kind of like you want to give America its own lost decade like Japan had. I would prefer that not happen. But that’s just me. Perhaps you think it is a fair exchange to sacrifice the long-term economic success of our country in exchange for socialist-reminiscent policies the American people wouldn’t support if they knew what you were actually proposing. If this is indeed what you believe, perhaps you should first tell the American people about your plan to screw them over. I mean, it’s only fair since it is their tax money being used and their kids’ futures being mortgaged.

Also, Mr. President, you joked that a spending bill is a stimulus bill and you don’t get what the Republican’s objection to your current bill is. Well, Mr. President, I fear you might actually be an idiot. You see, money come from somewhere, so when you spend with one hand you take it out the other. If that other hand has a higher multiplier result for its spending patterns, then by taking it you are actually causing a net loss to the economy. Sir, you see, all spending is not the same. The fact that you somehow believe it is all the same is very worrisome to me and I am going to ask you to go ahead and read some books on economics. Even Keynes would call that statement stupid.

In your multiple personality disorder like quest to name your prior President mentor, you temporarily landed on JFK. Now, you didn’t stay long, and this is probably for the best since I am pretty sure JFK would have hated you. You see, JFK cut taxes because he knew it is proven to help the economy. He also got us into Vietnam, but that is another story.

Of course, then you moved onto FDR. Of course, you couldn’t stay with him, because the lessons from his story wouldn’t allow you to sneak it your payoffs to interest groups and secret advancements of your ideology. You know, that ideology you try to hide from the American people by misnaming things and stating falsehoods? Like calling tax credits tax cuts and blaming Bush’s deregulation policies when he didn’t deregulate anything. You know what isn’t proven to help the economy, and you might have learned this if you actually studied FDR and the Great Depression? Government spending does not seem to have a strong immediate impact on quickly reviving the economy. Otherwise, the Great Depression wouldn’t have lasted so long. There is thing called the crowding out effect. You may want to look it up. You know what else? Protectionist trade policies real hurt the economy in the recession. Both Hoover and FDR could tell you that. But I guess this is a lesson you didn’t want to learn, so you moved onto a new idol.

Good old Mr. Lincoln. First, he was a Republican, in case you didn’t know. He also violated the constitution to save it. He would likely not have favored your decisions regarding Gitmo and he also wouldn’t likely favor your decision to release terrorists. He was a president in a time of war and great societal upheaval. I wonder if that is what you want for this country. Are you hinting that you want to bring about a new civil war? I’m not really in favor of that and I really don’t think anyone else it. Oh, by the way, your opposition is the gun rights party, so they are probably going to kick your butt. Maybe you like Lincoln’s divided cabinet. But that divided cabinet created a whole mess of problems, which is why Lincoln didn’t always listen to them. Perhaps, that is why you favor Lincoln. You want have historical support for you decision to not listen to anyone. I know you ego is big, Obama, but you know nothing about the economy, so you might want to listen to some people who do.

There are a lot of articles out there of late discussing the complete lack of stimulus spending in this stimulus bill (what is it, 12% - 24% could qualify as stimulus spending), and, Mr. President, it may be time to listen. You see, Mr. President, the Republicans are stubborn and they will let you and your party sink you own ship. They will let themselves be viewed as playing partisan politics if it means saving this country from the catastrophe you are trying to force upon us.

You speak of preventing catastrophes, Mr. President, but you are about to create one. Perhaps it is time you grew up a bit and starting thinking about the consequences of your actions. No amount of pretty speeches will save you if you pass this bill and it tanks the economy.

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