Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Stupid Product Planners

Sometimes I wonder what the IQ is of the people who are in charge of choosing a company's product line.

For example, my sister wanted to by a Ford hybrid SUV, but was unable to locate one anywhere near her home. Ford does not even sell a hybrid car and they seem to be overflowing in SUVs. Did anyone analyze the increases in the cost of gas or the wants of the America people? Seriously, who ever determines product at Ford needs to be fired. It makes sense that Ford is losing money - it is run by idiots.

Or, what really bothered me today, T-mobile. Over the last few months, the phone reception at my apt. has gotten horrible. Now I have to give T-mobile customer service props in that they have tried to help me to the fullest of their ability. One very helpful customer service rep suggested I look at the new hotspot @ home that just came out. Ah, I thought, T-mobile has had a brilliant idea. I am impressed. So I called, sorted out the details, was told the two phones that work on wifi are supposed to be great, looked on-line saw they seemed to be ok, and shipped my phone back (By the way, if you can get reception Nokia 6133 is an awesome phone, just amazing for its price). After shipping off the phone, I stopped at the T-mobile store, handily located near the UPS store. I wanted to see the phone I was about to get.

Let's pause here. Remember that punky phone you had circa 2000? The one you couldn't wait to unload once the better phones became affordable. You got it free with your plan. You sorta hated it, but accepted it because it was free. Tiny interior screen, no colored exterior screen (only a little blue screen that says the name of the caller), poor quality screen, etc. You get the drift.

That is the new t-mobile hotspot@home phone. That's right. They launch this awesome, futuristic system that allows your phone to hook onto a wi-fi network if you can't get a signal, targeted at the 18-30 crowd and they give you a phone you are embarrassed to own. (If you don't believe me, look for yourself - Nokia 6086 and Samsung t409)

So now I sit, temporarily using my old phone (it's a Razr, so not a horrible phone, just has bad reception, etc.) because I shipped my awesome, amazing screen quality, glad I had it, wish I could get reception in my apartment so I didn't have to get rid of it phone, so I could get the hotspot @ home phone and find out I was lied to. No awesome phone is waiting for me. (Now, phones exist that are awesome and can be used for T-mobile hotspot @ home, they were originally supposed to introduce the Nokia 6136 - much more in line with the modern phone - they somehow forgot this plan, however). The phones for the system are an embarrassment to T-mobile. I understand wanting to target the moneysaving younger crowd (of which I am one - living on gov't loans in law school - poorer than in college), but give at least one good phone for the plan. Here I am, willing to pay for a good phone, and have nothing to buy.

I officially give the T-mobile folks in charge of product purchasing the dunce hat. Way to ruin an awesome idea with subpar phones. Seriously, you want me to pay you $50 for a phone I wouldn't have paid for 7 years ago? Let's think about this for a minute. T-mobile purchasers, still can't figure it out? Yeah, that may be the problem.

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