Sunday, April 13, 2008


So American Media is annoying me right now. Why because they are not blatently condemning the poylgamists at that crazy Yearning for Zion ranch in Texas.

Now, no one say religious freedom, because if you do, you are an idiot. Religious freedom only goes so far and anyone with sense should say that forcing 15 yr old girls to marry old men pretty much crosses the line. If you disagree, you may be too dumb to live. Just saying.

I have been following this story because to me it is a failure of America that we have allowed this exist in our midsts. We are allowing this child abuse to continue and we are excusing it. Just go see CNN's coverage of this. The last few days they have almost seemed to be garnering sympathy for these people, these people who are abusing children.
go to this site and read the captions for the pictures:

This is what America should be saying loud and clear (or at least something close to this great Texam quote):
“It's pretty jacked up, marrying those young kids,” Jason Evans said. “Down here in Texas, we feel the value of our daughters. I won't go so far as to say they [FLDS men] should be killed. But I do think they should be put in jail.”

In the name of political correctness, we are allowing the ruin of these girls (and boys - search for FLDS lost boys) and the complete destruction of their innocence and any chance of choice these girls could have.

Any American that does not raise their voice in protest should be disgusted with themselves.

Now, I condemn polygamy in general since it inevitably leads to inequality in the marriage (here's a great example) and I am pretty sure that Christ would not be ok with it (I admit to a Christian theological bent, I am not ashamed - I did a lot of research of the scholarly persuasion into Christianity before I made my decision, much more than most atheist or "maybe there is some God out there" individuals have done in reaching their religious views), but even if you aren't opposed to polygamy (because, say, you give up personal morals in the name of being open-minded).

Anyway, my complaint today? Americans who aren't disgusted by the FLDS and their practices and every person of authority in areas near other compounds who aren't stepping up and crushing this practice.

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