Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Religious Public School? Violate the Constitution Much?

So I am a pretty big proponent of the constitution. You know, it protects my rights and all that. Now some people say that the raid on the child abuse cult named FLDS is against the constitution. I say that is crazy. They have tried pretty hard to follow the constitution. What with responding a call, seeking appropriate permission from the courts, delaying charging any of the men until they have solidified the proof, etc.

However, there is something in our country that is completely counter to our constitution and no one is talking about it. I am talking about a Muslim Charter School in Minnesota.
(For article discussing the school go to: http://www.startribune.com/local/17406054.html).

The school is a public school, funded by the government, that is run by an Imam and follows Muslim religious teachings included prayer, not prayer time, but organized prayer led by a muslim religious leader, and a class in islamic teachings, which though apparently not mandatory and at the end of the day is essentially mandatory as no buses come until after the class, teachers must stay for it, and students essentially forced to sit in the room until it is done. They also are being pretty secretive and won't let in people who want to investigate whether it actually is impermissibly teaching religion (from all that I have read, I am going to guess yes).

So I am going to say violation of the constitution. Now, I am all for religious schools. I went to one as a child and will probably send my child to one, but at a public school, where one religion is put forth and forced upon the students, I am pretty much going to say that is against the constitution.

Where are people standing up in outrage at this one?

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