Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Inalienable Rights

Our entire system of government is based on the idea that we have certain inalienable rights. These rights are inherent to the individual and they DO NOT come from the government. Instead, our constitution is set up to protect us from the government's suppression of our rights. Key to the entire American philosophy is the idea is that we inherently have rights and they government does not give them to us, but instead we give the government authority.

Obama seems to disagree. Not only does he advocate positive rights (i.e., rights that come from the government), he seems to have no problems curtailing our inherent rights. This is very dangerous thinking, my friends. It gives the government too much power over the citizen.

To Obama philosophy on our inalienable rights:
"...just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right..." Barack Obama, 2008 Primary.

I would also recommend you look at my past posts regarding Obama's suppression of free speech. You can now add the shutout of a news channel that dared to ask a question and the attacks on Joe the Plumber because he also tried to ask a question.

And now surfacing are a whole bunch of Obama quotes regarding an activist court that would create positive rights. This is a scary concept. It means that power no longer comes from the people, but the power comes from the government, vaguely reminicent of a Divine Right Monarchy,

But don't take my word for it:



But remember, don't ask Obama about it because he will attack you and ruin your life. Just ask Joe the Plumber or the newscaster or Florida (and apparently Pennsylvania as well).

oh, and a side note, more Obama terrorist connections (this time to Khalidi a former leader of the PLO):

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