Tuesday, October 21, 2008

When did negative become positive?

i happen to love to read the comments to articles. You know, to gage the general populace and see how they are feeling. And I have noticed a trend. The left is getting more vicious in their attacks (the left as in posts that take up the lefts argument). They launch into bitter and vitrolic attacks on Palin and McCain while holding up Obama as the second coming. Now this is not to say that the right doesn't get mean. It does, but the comments seem to be more reserved and more targeted at what Obama said or what his policy means. It is the left after all wearing shirts that say "Palin is a c***." It is Obama that tinges his speeches on "hope" with negative undertones that incite panic in the populace (just read the speeches, not hear him say them and you will see what I mean). It was Obama that told his supporters to get in people's faces. It is Obama's side that tries to inject racism to the point that I have heard people clarify their support for McCain with the statement: "I'm not racist, I just don't like Obama's policies and I've always voted Republican." You should not have to clarify your vote. You should not have KKK carved into your car because you support McCain.

The left just rips on Palin. Which, I have got to say, is getting old. She is not stupid. She just spent the last two years running Alaska and highest approval of any governor in the U.S. She took on corruption in oil and won. These are accomplishments and aren't ones Obama is even close to claiming. He spent his two years in Senate running for President and doesn't even known what committees he is on. At least Palin does her job.

And Biden, my God, that man can't stop screwing up to save his life. Luckily, the media likes Obama so less of his screw ups make it into American's homes (which is why everyone should periodically stop by drudgereport.com or pajamasmedia.com). So far he doesn't know how to count, doesn't know the constitution, doesn't know that Lebanon and Syria are two different countries, thinks Obama didn't say he would sit down with the leader of Iran. And don't forget today's announcement that Obama would be tested, that no one would like what Obama chooses to do, but it would be OK because Biden would be there (because his track record on foreign policy decisions has been so awesome up until now - but wait, he doesn't admit the surge is working).

On a side note, since Obama didn't even know that Russia has veto power on the UN security counsel, I am not thrilled with Obama as a potential leader of the free world.

Of course, why I fear an Obama presidency is more basic. I believe strong businesses are essential for growing the economy and I believe it is inherently unfair for the government to give 40% of Americans checks for money they did not earn, while taking that money away from businesses who could employ people if they only had the money to do so. I also fear his assault on voting rights and freedom of speech. And they are assaults.

On freedom of speech: He threatens channels that he will get advertisers to back out if they run certain anto-Obama commercials, he organizes "truth squads" that only target anti-Obama propaganda, he starts lawsuits for "slander" against individuals who air anti-Obama commercials, he favors legislation that will allow Congress to promote a McCarthy era attack on conservative radio, and of course he believes that state and local governments have a right to restrict our rights. I have problems with this. Freedom of speech is inherent to a functioning democracy and even the smallest efforts to suppress an opponents speech is scary to me.

On voting: He also pours hundreds of thousands of dollars into ACORN, an entity whose policies promote voter fraud (and it is voter fraud - there is already at least one incident in Ohio during early voting of actual voter fraud), he trains ACORN members (and he did train them, he had to change his fight the smears web-site after someone found documented proof - makes you wonder about other lies or misleading statements he has made but not meet caught at yet), and, honestly, if ACORN only targets historically democratic neighborhoods for their get out the vote drives but ignore republican areas - isn't that voter dilution?. Obama (and all democrats) also sponsor a bill that would help to take away the right to private vote for union formation, leaving workers vulnerable to union boss pressure that will try to strongarm them into choosing unions. Apparently, Obama is only for voting when the voting favors the outcome he wants.

Now you will notice that I have targeted my criticisms on Obama on his issues, not through derogatory name calling. That is how it should be done.

As a side note, discussing past affiliations (affiliations that a candidate misled the American people about) is not some grossly inappropriate tactic. It is simply telling Americans what the media won't. When stuff is made up, that just crosses the line to be like almost every ad that Obama has run.

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