Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Pope

I am just going to quote what I read in a cnn.com article.
"The Vatican on Tuesday said Christian denominations outside the Roman Catholic Church were not full churches of Jesus Christ.
"A 16-page document, prepared by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which Pope Benedict used to head, described Christian Orthodox churches as true churches, but suffering from a "wound" since they do not recognize the primacy of the Pope.
"But the document said the 'wound is still more profound' in the Protestant denominations -- a view likely to further complicate relations with Protestants.
"'Despite the fact that this teaching has created no little distress ... it is nevertheless difficult to see how the title of 'Church' could possibly be attributed to them,' it said."

OK, I could comment on this more, but I think it speaks for itself. I knew there was a reason I am a Lutheran. Everyone convert to protestantism right now, before the Pope becomes crazier.

(For the full article go here: http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/07/10/pope.churches.reut/index.html).


Anonymous said...

Yeah, well shouldn't we all convert to scientology anyway?cause you know Tom Cruise is and he's pretty awesome...

Anonymous said...

that's why religion bothers me anyways -- it's so divisive and conflict-provoking (this being on the lesser end of the conflict-provoking spectrum, of course, to say the least) because it becomes perverted in the hands of self-righteous people using it to prop up their self-righteousness and for political gains...i know all religions inherently have to prop themselves up and solidify the "rightness" of their particular doctrines as against all others to gain and maintain followers, but i hate what happens to the world as a result of such narrow definitions of 'right' v. 'wrong'...it distracts from the very base of what is good about and common to all religions -- basic human decency and morality, etc.