Saturday, May 10, 2008

Apparently the Government Wants Us to Die

So some company (Creekstone Farms) wants to test all beef for madcow disease out of their own pocket, in part so they can sell to Japan. Who could oppose this? Who would say, gee company you should not make your product more safe for consumers? Well, apparently our government, the Agricultural Department to be exact. That is right, our government wants to prevent a company from being more safe.

Apparently, they want us to get mad cow disease. I am not sure why they want us to get mad cow disease, but they do.

I am really confused as to why they are doing this. But I do not want mad cow disease so I would like the government NOT to sue people to prevent private companies from keeping us safe.

Really, this is just stupid and should be on every news channel across the U.S.

yay CNN:

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