Sunday, May 4, 2008

Solution to Solving the Recession

So here is my very simple solution to staving off a recession here in America: Buy American and do not buy Walmart.

Why, you may ask would this act as a solution?
Well, for one, if you buy American, Americans would be employed (You would also generally get a higher quality product for your money, but that is another story). If Americans are employed, they would have money to buy things. They would then buy things (preferably more made in america stuff) and a glorious cycle would be created. We also would reduce our trade deficit, which would strengthen our dollar, which would lead to many benefits like lower gas prices.

So why am I asking you to say no to Walmart?
Well, for one they are one of the driving forces behind the Made in China America we live in today and I believe in punishing them for this. Also, they can afford healthcare for their workers and don't give it to them thereby creating a drain on the healthcare system. Over 70% of their products are Made in China (the rest is made in other third world countries, I don't think a single thing there comes from the US). How many American jobs do you think they have cost us (excluding the jobs lost when they move into a town and drive our mom and pop stores thereby ruining the American culture and work ethic)? Also, the stuff in your house wouldn't be crap because it wouldn't come from Walmart.

So that is my simple solution: Buy American and not Walmart

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