Thursday, May 22, 2008

Disgusted by Texas

So the appellate judges in Texas decided that teaching girls that their only path to heaven is to submit to rape by an old creepy man with 10 other wives and teaching boys that it is their job to rape little girls and having a religious leader in jail for assisting in the rape of a 14 year old girl and living in an environment where it obvious that people are brainwashed was not enough of an imminent danger to remove all the kids.

So, according to the judge's reasoning, when little jane's sister is raped and beaten by her dad, jane can't be taken away, because there is no imminent danger to her. That is just stupid. Or when daddy dearest is a big old drug lord who deals drugs out of his house, protective services have no right to remove his kids. After all, the sect is breaking the law every day, yet somehow they should get to keep and abuse their kids?

Judges, you disgust me and I hope you can't sleep at night. When you pass on to your just desserts and go to those pearly gates, St. Peter will just shake his head in disgust and ask how could you do that to those kids? Do you have no common sense? And then likely contemplate kicking you on down to hell.

I'm going to pretty much say polygamy is wrong and is inherently abusive to the women and children living under it and that every second in this cult called FLDS puts the children under imminent danger, both physical and mental. If you say otherwise, I sincerely doubt your intelligence and am pretty sure I don't want you in my country.

I hope the Supreme Court of Texas is smarter than it's appeals court, because right now God is surely not blessing Texas.

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