Saturday, November 22, 2008

Craving Religion and False Idols

We as humans crave God and religion. Whether it is because there is a God or because of some fluke of evolution, I do not know. What I do know is that in the pit of everyone’s soul is the desire to cling to something.

When we reject religion, we turn to something else. Some cling to the big bang theory as an explanation as to the start of the process of life, though they cannot explain how it happened and cannot put together a single experiment or equation to prove how nothing became something, became something in the form of the entire universe. Interestingly enough, something the big-bang-no-God theorists conveniently forget is that the concept of the big bang theory came from a priest and was roundly rejected by scientists because it meant that time had a beginning and the implications of this was too much for scientists of that time.

Other anti-God-religionists cling to global warming as their religion. A consensus has been reached, they cry, that doomsday is upon us if we do not do something. Unfortunately for them, there is less evidence to support the supposed catastrophe due to global warming (excuse me, now that we seem to no longer be warming “global climate change”) than there is to prove that Christ rose from the dead. I wouldn’t say that too loud, however, because for the global warming religion this is blasphemy that will subject you to public ridicule, humiliation, and exclusion. For those of the global warming religion, all opposition must be suppressed so that there is no one to explore the distinct lack of scientific proof behind their prophesies. I wouldn’t bother to point this out to them, however, as their dogmatic convictions leave no room for intelligent conversation that would disprove their closely held beliefs.

I had an interesting conversation the other day about the global warming fanatics. The hypothesis was proposed that the global warming religionists do not just cling to global warming out of some lost sense of God, but also because of its economic underpinnings. To address the supposed catastrophe waiting for us do to global warming would require drastic government intervention and funding. For those of the entitlement persuasion who seem to hold no distrust for the government when their party is in power, the idea of an even bigger monolith of government that would impose a system of rules that would help knock out economic inequality by bringing us all down to the same level (and it would be down, not up, as government involvement has never really helped to bring anyone out of poverty, but has sure helped to shove a lot of people down through misguided attempts to help)is an ideal clarion call to arms. And global warming gives them the battle cry they need to start off on their crusade.

Ah, it is the fault of those who crave more (and consequently work harder for more) that are at fault for the worlds ills, what with their cravings for more and bigger and better, that is at fault for everything. It is, of course, never the fault of those who make poor choices throughout their lives and never succeed. If you villainize success, then you are the better person for not working hard. This thought process sits well with my generation who have been spoiled throughout life and have been taught that just trying (even half-assedly) is enough. They can sit and smoke pot between breaks from their coffee shop job and feel superior to the doctor and lawyer quickly grabbing a cup of caffeinated sustenance on their way long hours of work to earn good money.

These coffeehouse baristas do not need to feel bad for never growing up and striving for more because their low carbon foot print due to not being able to afford a car makes them better than the doctor who saves lives for money because he drives his dastardly car from his nice house in the suburbs to the hospital across town. Global warming gives an excuse not to strive for success and gives an excuse to knock down those who work hard to benefit from the capitalist system that has given us so much.

And capitalism has given us a lot in life. The United states, with its traditional capitalist mindset, has always had greater job creation than all of socialist Europe combined. Even the current economic crisis does not stem from capitalist ideals, but instead from government interference in the markets. However, just as the global warming believers conveniently ignore that the Manne hockey stick (the graph that set off the global warming conversion) has been disproven, they will ignore the socialist tendencies that pushed the United States towards its current economic collapse. The truth is that if there was no CRA and no Fannie or Freddie, there would be no economic collapse. But with the Democrats gaining control of the government and the global warming religion holding revival services in honor of their idolic One, this is one true story that will be drowned out by the chants of a false religion.

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