Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Articles from the Week And What I have Learned

Everyone hord your money and food supplies, it looks like Obam might be elected. The lessons I have learned from this election:
1. You can buy an election (particularly if you lie and say you are going to take public financing and then back out).
2. The media will blindly follow the person that says the prettiest things.
3. Once a sensation gets going its hard to throw it off the tracks, even if it should be.
4. Facts have apparently now become opinions and Republican stating a fact is insulting the person who "disagrees" with him (i.e., has the facts wrong).
5. Free speech has left the country unless you are praising the One.
6. The word change apparently makes people stop listening to the rest of the message,
7. We as a nation have learned nothing from history (whose ready for Great Depression 2.O(bama)?).

Articles from the week:

Obama saying he wouldn't mind bankrupting the coal industry:

how Obama's economic policy is scarily similar to that which launched us into the great depression:

media bias:

do not challenge the one:,0,5063691,print.story

like many of the policies being endorced by the democrats today, the war on poverty did not work the first time (why are they recycling bad ideas - oh, right because the American people aren't taught anything anymore).

Obama - redistributing your money one court justice at a time:

the media - the PR arm of the Obama campaign:

investors fear the one:

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