Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Final Election Thoughts

As I prepare to work and watch the polls all day, I wonder who will win and who will lose. I would like to say that the electorate in the end will make an informed decision and choose a candidate that will help us out of the current economic crisis, but I fear not. This is because the final loser in this election will be the main stream media.

The media forgot to do their job this election. They forgot that bias comes from not only how they cover things but what they cover. The electorate is going to the polls today thinking that Obama is going to give them a tax cut, which is simply not true. There is no tax cut. There is a tax credit that is reverse related to income so that the more you earn the less you are credited. Now I used to say half of those who qualify don't pay taxes so will essentially will be welfare for the working class, but as that top income under the Obama redistribution plan keeps shrinking from 250,000 to 200,000 to 150,000 to 120,000 as to those who qualify for tax credits, I think that half of those don't pay taxes has grown much higher.

Now the plan is give people who don't pay taxes money they didn't earn (i.e., welfare for the working class) leave a big chunk of the populace the same and then tax the hell out of everyone above 250,000 for families and 200,000 for individuals (including small businesses responsible for half of all new job creation) to cover the crazy spending spree he is proposing. Now his surrogates keep saying that the top part won't pay more that under Reagan. However, that is not true. Not even remotely true. Obama is proposing tax rates around 40% (for federal taxes mind you, these people still have to pay state and local taxes - they will have no more money). Under Reagan the tax rate was 28-29%. 29% is very different from 40%.

The crazy thing is that for all the lies regarding tax policy coming out of the Obama camp, the media has said nothing. They have completely failed to explain to the American people what this means. The American people are going to go to the voting booth with no idea what they are voting for and the economic implications of this kind of tax structure.

And of course there is Obama's environmental proposals. Proposals he himself admits will bankrupt to coal industry and cause energy prices to skyrocket. How many people heard that little bit of information from their media outlet? I'm going to go with very few. As we go into a recession, Obama is proposing an environmental policy that is going to bankrupt an entire industry and cause everyone's pocketbooks to hurt due to astronomically higher energy prices. This is going to cripple the economy and American's at home and that welfare for the working class isn't going to help. Yet does the media discuss this?

Obama's healthcare plan requires businesses to pay the full cost of healthcare. Many companies now pay a portion (usually 75% of the plan) and workers pay the rest. This way they can afford to hire another worker and provide affordable coverage. Now, under Obama's plan businesses are going to need to cut workers to pay provide full coverage. This is going to mean less jobs for Americans as we head into a recession. Yet the media doesn't discuss this.

Instead, we have Obama supporters shouting hope and change. Obama is apparently going to pay fr their gas and mortgage and everything else. He is just going to fix everything. Never mind that his policies are likely to cripple our economy. This little facts don't seem to sway the media.

Of course, there is Obama's past. A past that the media simply doesn't discuss. There is Reverend Wright (the hate-filled pastor that spews racism and divisiveness), Rezco (the corrupt real estate guy that got Obama his home), Odinga ( the opposition party candidate in Kenya that caused riots when he lost that Obama campaigned with and helped Odinga structure his campaign message), Ayers (the domestic terrorist that bombs the pentagon), and Khalidi (vocal Israel hater and former higher up of the PLO - terrorist group out of Palestine). I'm sure there are many more i haven't heard of. Yet does the media discuss this? No, they didn't.

So now we are about to elect a president whose history we have no clue on and whose policies we don't know about. How dumb can we be?

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